
School Attendance

Attendance - Every School Day Counts

Parents are asked to notify the school when their child will be absent, late, or will be picked up early from school.

With SafeArrival you are asked to report your child's absence or late arrival (in advance or by 8:00 am) to report an absence or late by using one of these 3 convenient methods:

1.  Call the automated interactive telephone system via the toll free number 1-844-818-9908 to report an absence or late arrival.

2.  Log into the SafeArrival website - - where an account can be set up and then accessed to report absences or late arrivals. (Future absences/ lates can also be inputted.)

3.  Set up a SafeArrival account, then download the Greater St. Albert Schools app to quickly and conveniently report absences/ lates from your mobile device.

Each homeroom teacher forwards the names of absent students who are unaccounted for to the office. If you have not made your child's absence known, you will be contacted via SafeArrival. If, for any reason, you are planning to pick up your child early from school, please stop by the school office to sign out your child.

Students arriving after the second bell must stop by the office for a "Good Morning Slip" to take to their classroom teacher. They will then be noted as having arrived late.

It is important to update the school with any change to your address, telephone numbers and/ or emergency contacts.

Office hours are from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.